
People Before Politics

Kim Spears/Candidate for MN State Representative District 19A

Kim Spears

Candidate for MN State Representative District 19A

I’m Kim Spears, and I’m running to serve you as District 19A State Representative. I’m running to put people before politics.



It wasn’t too long ago when my property taxes began to rise. After attending countless city council meetings, I decided to run for office and was elected to the North Mankato City Council. I believe people hold the answers to the every day issues we face in our communities and statewide. We seem to have lost sight of what led to such a great way of life; individual liberty and personal responsibility. I see an ever expanding intrusive government taxing me out of my home and chipping away at my independence. I can not sit idly by and just let it happen. I am honored to have the opportunity to work for all of us and put people first, not politics.


About Me


My formal education was acquired through attendance at institutions including Northern Michigan University, the University of Wisconsin and Minnesota State. I’ve worked in government, medicine, manufacturing, service and retail. I’ve held leadership positions in community organizations. My work on the North Mankato City Council has provided wonderful opportunities to work hard for the citizens who hired me to represent them. I believe hard work helps create value for our citizens.


My journey has led me to buy a house, marry my wife and make my home here in Southern Minnesota. I am happy to live among such caring, honest and hard working people. I am pleased to live in a community rich in beauty and resources. I sincerely care about my family, friends, and neighbors and wish that they continue to receive all the benefits granted by living in such a great State and Nation.


However, I am concerned. We seem to have lost sight of what led to such a great way of life; individual liberty and personal responsibility. I see an ever expanding intrusive government taxing me out of my home and chipping away at my independence. I can not sit idly by and just let it happen. I am honored to have the opportunity to work for all of us.





Hold the line on taxes, unnecessary spending and waste. During my service on the North Mankato City Council there was no property tax increase and we saved money on trash collection.



Strengthen and expand child care options by providing an even playing field through means such as decreasing burdensome regulations for independent child care providers.



Empower parents and teachers to make education decisions by distributing resources fairly so consideration by students and teachers come first, rather than career politicians and unelected bureaucrats.



Support the many patriots and their families who have sacrificed everything they have, including their lives, for the freedom and principles that this great state and nation were founded upon by ensuring they are appropriately provided the care they deserve.



Secure funding to ensure basic transportation needs in greater Minnesota are being met by opposing waste and abuse of our transportation dollars.



Stop government intrusion in our daily lives and protect our privacy and rights.



Lower health care costs by providing price transparency at clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies by exploring options for patients and physicians to collaborate in finding cost effective and high benefit solutions, leading to lower insurance costs.



Ensure resources are available so that those with mental health needs receive the compassionate care they need, by establishing accountability and working to better allocate available resources.



Protect farmers and their families, by ensuring they are represented and heard in decisions that directly impact their livelihood.



What I brought to the North Mankato City Council I will bring to the Legislature. I will focus on restraining excessive state spending and costly mandates on local government. I will also work across the aisle to find the right solutions for Greater Minnesota.


You can learn more about Kim Spears here.