
Faith. Family. Freedom

Caroline Burley/Candidate for MN State Representative District 7B

Caroline Burley

Candidate for MN State Representative District 7B

You may ask, why am I running? I have been a Republican all of my voting life. My foundation for good citizenship stems from my Norwegian grandfather who, in the early 1900’s, immigrated legally to this country and from my father who served the people as a Koochiching County Commissioner.


Accepting Jesus as my Savior as a child, I believe in life from conception to natural death. Healthcare should reflect this. I was the primary caregiver for my husband of forty nine years prior to his death from Parkinson’s Disease seven years ago.


I respect the military and believe we should support the Veterans Administration.


Our public schools are in dire need of change. It is my belief that “common core” is an intrusive, dumbed-down education which does not support the values of our community or country. I feel parents need to be informed about what the schools are teaching our children.


I know the value of a strong education. I graduated from high school with honors and graduated with a degree in Business Administration from the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis.


Having worked for 40 years in the insurance industry, my duties were first as a programmer and later as a systems analyst. This is why I want to create and maintain a fair, honest and competitive business environment.


In the political arena, I have served as an election judge and have attended BPOU (Basic Political Operating Units) meetings for many years. I served as secretary and later Co-Chair of my BPOU in Brooklyn Center. I am currently Treasurer of my BPOU (7B) in Duluth. I have assisted with several political campaigns by phone banking, block walking, literature dropping and displaying campaign signs in my yard.


I hope you will consider donating to my campaign. Any amount will be appreciated and put to good use. Checks should be made out to Caroline Burley for MN House 7B.


Donations may be sent to my home address of 629 North Central Ave, Duluth, MN 55807 or to my campaign Chair and Treasurer Gary Bergquist at 5524 Highland St., Duluth, MN 55807. You will receive a receipt from my campaign that you can use to receive a Minnesota Political Refund check up to $50 per individual or $100 per couple back from the State of Minnesota


Thank you for your support!




Accepting Jesus as my Savior as a child, I believe in life from conception to natural death. Healthcare should reflect this. I was the primary caregiver for my husband of forty nine years prior to his death from Parkinson’s Disease seven years ago.



  • My Christian faith is my foundation.
  • I believe in life from conception to natural death.



  • Married for 49 years
  • Primary caregiver prior to husband’s death
  • One son and daughter-in-law, 2 grandsons



  • I respect the military and believe we should support the Veterans Administration.
  • Protect the Second Amendment
  • I believe in Voter ID and election integrity.
  • Support life-long learning.
  • I believe changes need to be made in school curriculum.
  • Common core is not providing our students with the degree of education that they deserve.
  • I want to create and maintain a fair, honest and competitive business environment.


My Experience

  • Worked for 40 years in the insurance industry as a programmer and systems analyst.
  • Served as an Election Judge for many years.
  • Served as Co-chair and Secretary of my BPOU (Basic Political operating Unit) in Brooklyn Center.
  • Currently serving as Treasurer of my BPOU (7B)
  • Assisted with several campaigns: phone-banking, block-walker, literature drops, and displaying campaign signs in my yard.



You can learn more about Caroline Burley here.