
Why I'm Running

Tim Walz/MN Governor

Tim Walz

MN Governor


When my father passed away, Social Security survivor benefits helped my family get back on our feet. And after I served in the Army, I got a good education thanks to the GI Bill. I know that government can do real good for people — I’ve experienced it.

But right now Republican extremists are dead set on pushing through policies that will make success stories like mine all but impossible. They’re gutting education, eliminating regulations that protect consumers and our environment, and robbing our most vulnerable citizens of their health care — all to pay for tax cuts for their wealthy corporate backers.

I’m running a campaign that talks about what we can accomplish when we work together. Will you sign on today to support Peggy and me and help us create a better future for One Minnesota? 

Some of my constituents as a Congressman — including many Republicans — tell me they voted for me because they know that I’m as dedicated a public servant as I was a teacher. Because of that community-first approach, I’ve been elected in places where people didn’t think a progressive Democrat could win. I’ll use that experience to bridge the urban-rural divide that’s turned so much of the debate at the State Capitol into a contest between the Twin Cities and Greater Minnesota.

This election will have great consequences for our state. It’s about whether we will commit ourselves to good jobs, good education, and good health care for all Minnesotans, or allow our wages to be driven down, regulations lifted, and the cost of health care sent skyrocketing by legislation pushed by special interests.

Will you join the Walz Flanagan team? This campaign will be driven by grassroots supporters — it will be driven by you, friend.