
Advocating For 15B

Myron Wilson/2018 Candidate for MN State Representative District 15B

Myron Wilson

2018 Candidate for MN State Representative District 15B

I was born and raised in Orrock Township.


I have held positions of leadership and community service my entire life.


  1. Starting as President of the FFA in High School.
  2. I was a founding member of the Zimmerman Ambulance Service in the early ’70s.
  3. I was a youth snowmobile safety instructor.
  4. I assisted  with youth firearms training.
  5. I coached first through seventh grade  basketball.
  6. I was active in a Community Playhouse through church.
  7. I have a commercial pilots license with advanced ratings for fixed and helicopters.
  8. I taught aviation sciences at the University of MN.
  9. I flew air ambulance for the UMN.
  10. I worked 3 years at the State Reformatory in St Cloud.
  11. I served 23 years in Law Enforcement as a Police officer, Deputy Sheriff and State Trooper.
  12. I owned several businesses with my Wife. We employed 7 people at one time.
  13. I was instrumental in forming a tax increment finance district to spur commercial development in a rural township.
  14. I was elected a school board member and then elected treasurer. In that position, I guided the school district from the edge of collapse back to a fiscally solid standing.


My wife, Judy, and I have been married 44 years.  Our 2 children, and 5 Grand children, are a constant reminder of the importance of being a pro-life candidate.


As the only candidate who has served in an elected position, and with a lifetime of community service, I welcome the opportunity to serve you in the pursuit of community betterment.


Let me put my experience to work for you!


Thanks for Your Vote


My Platform


Term Limits

  1.  Limit term of service to eight(8) years in any elected state office(i.e. Governor, Lt Governor,  Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Auditor, State Senator and Representative).


Education Innovation

  1.  Vouchers for True Academic Freedom…private, church, home.
  2.  Promote all theories of mankind’s origins…creationism, evolution, intelligent design.
  3.  Improve community, family, and home schooling opportunities.
  4.  Foster growth in Trades education.
  5.  Encourage establishment of Student Learning Centers.


Agriculture and Small Business

  1.  Eliminate the state inheritance/gift tax.
  2.  Allow the cottage food Industry,  and small producers, weekend access to utilize “Park  and Ride”  areas for “Farmer’s Market” use.
  3.  Reduce regulatory and reporting requirements for farm and home businesses.
  4.  Nurture sustainable agriculture education.
  5.  Promote sustainable agriculture through appropriate tax incentives.
  6.  Facilitate retail sale of locally produced products.
  7.  Restrict public lands to a zero sum gain…Keep Lands Private…and on the tax role.


Broadband/Highspeed Internet Infrastructure

  1.  Facilitate the growth of high speed internet throughout the district to support education,  business, farming, and telecommuting opportunities.


Second Amendment

  1.  Supports constitutional carry.
  2.  Gun safety and education.
  3.  Support a Castle Doctrine in Minnesota.


Better Government

  1.  Remove lobbyist and special interest money from the legislative process.
  2.  Move Minnesota, from the 4th highest taxed state, to join the lowest taxed states.
  3.  Eliminate redundancy in state government.
  4.  Encourage telecommuting, for state employees, where possible.
  5.  Reduce unfunded mandates.
  6.  Zero based budgeting for all governmental units.
  7.  Eliminate the Metropolitan Council.
  8.  Restrict eminent domain to school and road projects.


Refugee and Immigration Reform

  1.  Limit the number of refugees resettled, or secondary migrants allowed, in any one  area.
  2.  Establish English as the official language of Minnesota.
  3.  Tax employers 100% state income tax on any money received, from the federal government,  that encourages discrimination against local workers.
  4.  Make it a state crime to hire illegal immigrants.
  5.  Prohibit sharia compliant murabaha loans.




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