I was born and raised in Orrock Township.
I have held positions of leadership and community service my entire life.
- Starting as President of the FFA in High School.
- I was a founding member of the Zimmerman Ambulance Service in the early ’70s.
- I was a youth snowmobile safety instructor.
- I assisted with youth firearms training.
- I coached first through seventh grade basketball.
- I was active in a Community Playhouse through church.
- I have a commercial pilots license with advanced ratings for fixed and helicopters.
- I taught aviation sciences at the University of MN.
- I flew air ambulance for the UMN.
- I worked 3 years at the State Reformatory in St Cloud.
- I served 23 years in Law Enforcement as a Police officer, Deputy Sheriff and State Trooper.
- I owned several businesses with my Wife. We employed 7 people at one time.
- I was instrumental in forming a tax increment finance district to spur commercial development in a rural township.
- I was elected a school board member and then elected treasurer. In that position, I guided the school district from the edge of collapse back to a fiscally solid standing.
My wife, Judy, and I have been married 44 years. Our 2 children, and 5 Grand children, are a constant reminder of the importance of being a pro-life candidate.
As the only candidate who has served in an elected position, and with a lifetime of community service, I welcome the opportunity to serve you in the pursuit of community betterment.
Let me put my experience to work for you!
Thanks for Your Vote
My Platform
Term Limits
- Limit term of service to eight(8) years in any elected state office(i.e. Governor, Lt Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, State Auditor, State Senator and Representative).
Education Innovation
- Vouchers for True Academic Freedom…private, church, home.
- Promote all theories of mankind’s origins…creationism, evolution, intelligent design.
- Improve community, family, and home schooling opportunities.
- Foster growth in Trades education.
- Encourage establishment of Student Learning Centers.
Agriculture and Small Business
- Eliminate the state inheritance/gift tax.
- Allow the cottage food Industry, and small producers, weekend access to utilize “Park and Ride” areas for “Farmer’s Market” use.
- Reduce regulatory and reporting requirements for farm and home businesses.
- Nurture sustainable agriculture education.
- Promote sustainable agriculture through appropriate tax incentives.
- Facilitate retail sale of locally produced products.
- Restrict public lands to a zero sum gain…Keep Lands Private…and on the tax role.
Broadband/Highspeed Internet Infrastructure
- Facilitate the growth of high speed internet throughout the district to support education, business, farming, and telecommuting opportunities.
Second Amendment
- Supports constitutional carry.
- Gun safety and education.
- Support a Castle Doctrine in Minnesota.
Better Government
- Remove lobbyist and special interest money from the legislative process.
- Move Minnesota, from the 4th highest taxed state, to join the lowest taxed states.
- Eliminate redundancy in state government.
- Encourage telecommuting, for state employees, where possible.
- Reduce unfunded mandates.
- Zero based budgeting for all governmental units.
- Eliminate the Metropolitan Council.
- Restrict eminent domain to school and road projects.
Refugee and Immigration Reform
- Limit the number of refugees resettled, or secondary migrants allowed, in any one area.
- Establish English as the official language of Minnesota.
- Tax employers 100% state income tax on any money received, from the federal government, that encourages discrimination against local workers.
- Make it a state crime to hire illegal immigrants.
- Prohibit sharia compliant murabaha loans.
This content was originally published at https://wilsonfor15b.com/