
Working for Bloomington

Andrew Carlson/MN State Representative District 50B

Andrew Carlson

MN State Representative District 50B

Dear Bloomington Friends


Serving you in the Minnesota House of Representatives is truly an honor and a job I take very seriously. The most important part of my job is to help state government work more effectively for you. If you ever have any questions, please contact me anytime. I appreciate hearing from you!


As your representative, I pledge to work for you so that our shared values and priorities are brought back to the forefront of the Minnesota Legislature.  Values that include working in a bipartisan way that promotes social and economic fairness and priorities that put the interests of Minnesotans first, not those of special interests.


There is certainly more work to be done if we are to improve social and economic opportunity for all Minnesotans. Therefore, I am committed to working tirelessly so that Minnesotans have:

  • Jobs that provide a steady income;
  • Stable and affordable housing;
  • Clean, renewable energy;
  • Reliable funding for our schools and transportation infrastructure;
  • Personal privacy rights protected; and
  • Accountability, transparency, and truth in government.


I believe our elected officials have a responsibility to tackle these issues head-on and need to be held accountable when they don’t act in the people’s best interest. I care deeply about Bloomington and will always advocate for the needs of our City and State at the Minnesota Legislature. I am ready to contribute towards addressing our biggest challenges with my inclusionary approach to problem-solving and ability to get things done. By working together, we can make a real difference on the issues that matter most to you without leaving anyone behind. That’s how we build a better future for all Minnesotans.


It is my greatest privilege to serve you at the Minnesota House of Representatives.  Thank you for your continued support.


Rep. Andrew Carlson
House District 50B



This content was originally published at