
Why I Am Running

Dale Menk/2018 Candidate for MN State Representative District 10A

Dale Menk

2018 Candidate for MN State Representative District 10A

My name is Dale Menk and I am running for election to the Minnesota House of Representatives, District 10A. Over the last several years, I have come to the conclusion that there are voices in our communities that are simply not being heard. That is why I am running. I believe that a representative owes it to the people in their district to listen to and consider all viewpoints. The decisions made by our legislators in St. Paul affect all of us, and to marginalize some people because they hold different political or religious views is wrong.


I also think that the growing divisions along party lines have become an impediment to good government. Politicians have grown so concerned with pushing their own agendas that working for the good of all has fallen by the wayside. The polarization that has developed in government over the last decade has contributed to an all or nothing attitude that leads to a dead end. I believe that we need legislators in the Capitol who are willing to work together for the good of all Minnesotans. If I am elected, I will work to build relationships with my fellow legislators, find common ground and build from there. As representative it will be my honor and privilege to serve you in The Minnesota House. I will strive to be YOUR voice in our government.




We need to find solutions to our healthcare crisis to ensure that everyone can access affordable, quality healthcare. I want to move away from the employer-based model for healthcare access, and make sure that people are able to maintain coverage that is not tied to an employer. And we need to address the serious need for quality healthcare providers in rural areas like ours.



We need to make sure that people who want to start small businesses are given the help they need to build those businesses and make them sustainable. I will do whatever I can to ensure the strength of our local economy, and to make sure that people have access to quality jobs at livable wages.



Our public education system needs to work for every child. That meansproper funding, access to special education services, technology/high-speed internet initiatives, and anti-bullying measures. Our public education system is the cornerstone of a healthy society, and shouldn’t be undercut by diverting funds through voucher programs. We also need to ensure that our schools are welcoming to kids from the LGBTQ+ community, as well as kids with special needs, and that all of our kids receive an education that is evidence-based.



I want to make sure that we provide incentives for companies and individuals that use environmentally sustainable practices. We also need to foster the research and development of renewable energy technologies. We should be putting our public facilities at the forefront in implementing these technologies and sustainable practices.


Equality for All

I want to work toward a Minnesota that is fully inclusive of all its residents. this means welcoming Immigrants, respecting the rights and dignity of minorities, and making sure no one is made to feel like a second class citizen. We can and should do better when it comes toembracing diversity.



Meet Dale

I have lived in the Lakes Area nearly my entire life. My dad, then a single father working as a mechanic, moved to Brainerd when I was very young. My earliest memories are of living in Brainerd. Later, we lived in Nisswa on Lake Edna, and eventually Pine River, where I graduated from Pine River-Backus High School in 1996. I moved to Brainerd nearly 20 years ago, and have lived here ever since. In that time I have worked in manufacturing, as a doorman and bartender at a local bar, at a cabinet shop, and as a satellite installation tech. Currently I work for a local family owned building construction company that hired me on over 13 years ago.


Almost 15 years ago, I had the good fortune of meeting my wife, Trisha. Together, we have six children (hers, mine, and ours). It has been, and still is the greatest experience of my life building a family together. Trisha works as a pharmacy technician at a locally owned pharmacy in Brainerd. Together, we work to provide our children the best oppotunities that we can.


I am proud to call the Brainerd Lakes Area my home. This is where I live, work and play, and I can’t imagine living anywhere else. That is why, if I am elected, I will work to help make this a better place for all who make this area their home.



This content was originally published at