Ensuring a Future for Our Children
Public education is the single largest factor to upward economic mobility in existence. It allows people from every spectrum of the economic scale the opportunity to achieve their dreams. Most children have no idea what they want to do for a career. Public schools should — and do — offer the chance to actively learn about many different futures.
Unfortunately, in the last 20 years, the State of Minnesota has not funded education at the same rate as inflation. Public schools would receive more than $2,000 more per pupil than they do today if it had. This burden has been unfairly shifted to property owners through the school levy system, creating a system of have and have nots. Adequate funding for public education should be the top priority for any candidate. It certainly is for me.
Serving on the Forest Lake School board has educated me on the funding issues that exist in today’s public school system. For example, funding for student transportation creates disparities in one district and surpluses in others. Unfunded mandates from the state and federal government come with significant costs, which are again shifted to property owners.
Opportunities, Training, and a Living Wage
Many candidates speak about job creation. What we need to talk about is employment opportunities that create sustainable economic growth in a modern economy. Job creation that pays below the poverty line does not serve Minnesota well. Affordable technical education, college and apprenticeship opportunities are the pathway to sustainable growth and living wages.
Today’s workforce must be ready to change as the needs of our markets change. No longer are people working in one place or one industry for 30-plus years. Benefits need portability and flexibility. Employers need a workforce trained to be the most productive and skilled in the world. The economy needs to work for all Minnesotans, not just those at top.
Quality Healthcare Accessible to Everyone
Minnesota boasts some of the world’s best healthcare and healthcare facilities. Unfortunately, these are not available to all Minnesotans. Many of our citizens are forced to choose between paying for healthcare or paying their monthly bills.
Healthcare should be accessible to everyone, and not be the Number 1 cause of bankruptcy in the United States.
People in this country — including those with insurance — are often saddled with massive amounts of debt just to afford the necessary procedures and prescriptions to live. No one should be forced to make such a choice.
In 2008 our third child came into the world needing open heart surgery. I, too, have undergone a heart procedure. I have seen the amazing things medical staff are capable of doing, but I have also experienced the economic after effects. Middle class families shouldn’t face losing everything they have worked for due to medical expenses. GoFundMe is not the solution.
Clean Water
Responsible with the Resources We Share
Nothing is more important to Minnesotans than clean water. From drinking to cooking, fishing to hunting, boating and so much more, water is a huge part of our everyday lives. As a parent, I want to insure we are responsible with the resources we share in this state. Future generations are counting on it.
We should always do our due diligence whenever we are looking at projects that will impact the environment. Taking the time for environmental impact studies should be of the highest priority for anyone representing Minnesota.
Whether fishing in the summer or duck hunting in the fall with my children, I want to be sure the water wherever we are is clean. This means we must also work to stop the spread of invasive species. It also means we need to do so in a way that continues to allow all Minnesotans access to our waters. Enjoying the outdoors is one of the best parts of living in our great state.
This content was originally published at