
Experienced and Principled

Jerry Hertaus/MN State Representative District 33A

Jerry Hertaus

MN State Representative District 33A

It is a great disappointment to witness the ever increasing inability to solve the many problems facing Minnesota. Over the past many decades, the growth of government as measured in dollars in Minnesota has more than tripled that of the consumer price index (CPI) as adjusted for inflation. More than 40 years of gradual and onerous growth in state government has brought us to unsustainable levels of funding requirements which the private sector economy cannot any longer afford. Minnesota ranks near the bottom of the 50 states at 45th, least competitive place to do business. We should be encouraging business growth, start-ups and risk taking to generate the jobs and opportunities for its citizens.


Every productive tax-paying Minnesota household knows that as government grows, it demands more of their income, jeopardizes their future ability to provide for themselves and threatens their security by reducing savings for future needs, including their children’s and for a comfortable retirement.


Experienced and principled leadership is born from the private sector by having firsthand knowledge of the challenges of balancing budgets, writing paychecks, paying operating expenses and regulatory costs, while creating a market and customer base resulting in jobs and employment opportunities that provides the earnings and profits which ultimately generates tax revenues.


With your support, I am ready to continue bringing experienced and principled leadership to St. Paul acquired during my many decades as entrepreneur, business owner and employer.


Jerry Hertaus


Our Future


Leadership requires faith in our future. Faith that we can make a difference. It is imperative that we lead our state and nation back towards the founding principles of limited government, personal responsibility and a democratic republic.


For the first time since the founding of our great nation, the promise of a better future filled with liberty and opportunity for our children, grandchildren and the generations that follow is significantly threatened by policies and legislation which is financially unsustainable.


Conservative leadership requires adhering to an oath to uphold the State Constitution and the United States Constitution.


As your Representative, I will not support any legislation, proposed or existing that is in conflict with the authority granted by either constitution.

“I predict future happiness for Americans, if they can prevent government from wasting the labor of its people under the pretense of taking care of them” – Thomas Jefferson


Jobs & Economy


Minnesota’s Economy

Minnesota has been home to many Fortune 500 companies. The competitive business climate that gave birth to many of these once start-up companies has been under assault for decades in Minnesota. Minnesota is under threat as a destination state for business due to onerous regulations despite our skilled and educated work force. Through conservative leadership, we can promote and protect a competitive business climate in which the state of Minnesota can become a leader in sustainable job creation through entrepreneurial innovation and new business development.


Cities and Towns Local Economy

As past Mayor of Greenfield, I have first hand knowledge of the constant financial pressure resulting from unfunded mandates and legislation by higher levels of government. Compliance with mandates either demands or requires increased property taxes. Providing the most basic functions of local government is fiscally challenging for many cities and towns. State legislation should avoid costly unfunded mandates, and as your Representative, I will work hard to protect taxpayers from these often unfair and unnecessary unfunded mandates.



This content was originally published at