
On The Issues

John Heinrich/MN State Representative District 35A

John Heinrich

MN State Representative District 35A

It has been my pleasure getting to know so many wonderful people from this community as I’ve been on the campaign trail.


My ultimate goal is to ensure Ramsey and Anoka remain great places to live and work. Families, like mine, have chosen this area for a reason and for generations they stay. Let’s keep it that way.


I want you to know I will do everything in my power as your Endorsed candidate to keep this District 35A seat in conservative hands. Thank you, sincerely, for your trust and your vote.


Now lets get to work!


John Heinrich


District 35A, Ramsey and Anoka


Why am I running?

I’ve always felt a sense of duty to my country and consider myself to be very patriotic. I care deeply about maintaining freedoms and sustaining the quality of life we currently enjoy in our community in Minnesota. Upon learning Representative Whelan was not seeking re-election, I decided to run for this office. I have a natural inclination to engage with politics and I embrace free market ideals. These things have compelled me to continue the work that’s been done in our House District 35A area of Ramsey and Anoka.



I’m a strong proponent of the bill of rights, in particular, the second amendment. Our right to keep and bear arms SHALL NOT be infringed. I will fight to protect all of our rights, especially the second amendment.



I am Pro-Life. I believe in the sanctity of life at all stages. I will be a fierce protector of all innocent human life, including the unborn.



I place great value on working to keep our government as small in size as possible, without sacrificing service to the public.  Our state can and should attract businesses, senior citizens, and relevant, qualified workers.  Cultivating a lucrative environment for small businesses to build from is a key element.



Minnesota’s education system works best at the local level. Parents should be empowered to make their opinions known to legislators and school board members. By keeping educational decisions within local control, we will ensure the best possible outcomes for children in our communities.



Our community has been fortunate to have great leaders collaborating on transportation issues. I look forward to continuing efforts toward upgrading our roads and bridges. We need to keep addressing local traffic issues to improve commute times, keeping safety and ease of travel as top priorities.



Government cannot create wealth, it can only redistribute it. It’s not the government’s money- it’s yours. You deserve leaders who recognize the importance of efficiency, accountability, and transparency in our state. Minnesota is one of the highest taxed states nationally. We need to develop tax policy that promotes a great environment for individuals, families, and businesses.



This content was originally published at