
Judicial Reform

Kyle Greene/2018 Candidate for MN State Representative District 18A

Kyle Greene

2018 Candidate for MN State Representative District 18A
Independent - Judicial Reform

Thank you for taking the time to learn a bit more about me, Kyle Greene, Independent candidate for Judicial Reform for Minnesota house District 18A.


I firmly believe that the people are in control their government, and the government is not to control its people. Government is instituted for the securitybenefit and protection of the people, in whom all political power is inherent, together with the right to alter, modify or reform government whenever required by the public good.


Minnesota Constitution, Bill of Rights, Article 1, Section 1.


Born and raised in Minnesota, I moved to Litchfield in 1989 from Minneapolis.  I attended college for business, sociology and philosophy. I served time in the Army National Guard and sincerely hold to my duty to defend the constitution from enemies, foreign and domestic.


My family and I reside on our farm in Grove City. I am an organic farmer; raising chickens, ducks, goats and soon adding sheep. I hunt, fish and trap animals to sustain my family, as well as to control the animal populations. I believe this to be an ethical and spiritual duty. I support small businesses and began product development in 2018. I work with several companies involving athletic enhancement products, fighting knives, steam engine generators, fish carburetors as well as food production.


My wife Krystle and I have been happily married for 10 years, together we have 6 children. While our children are home schooled, they remain active in sports and activities within the local public school district, which I also support. We take pride in teaching our children morals, respect for others and good work ethics, not only on our farm, but in life itself.  I look forward to serving District 18A.





Abortion: Kyle Greene is Pro-Life.


A lesson from history:

One of the greatest military strategists, Hannibal Barca, defeated Rome in wave after wave, all while having less troops than Rome. Unfortunately for Hannibal, his luck would eventually run out as ancient Carthage’s widely accepted religion (at the time) practiced human sacrifices, specifically those of infants, (i.e., abortion). Hannibal’s end came in the Second Punic War due to Hannibal running out of men.


Today, history repeats itself with our own military forces.


When Combining Active and Reserve personnel the United States is #7 in the world in terms of troop strength.


In general democrats have more children than republicans. The Republicans knew this in 1973 and set a trap for the democrats known as Roe v. Wade. Today the democrats have allowed the killing of over 45 million babies by abortion. Those victims were democrats. Fast forward from 1973, 18 years and 9 months (voting age + gestation), and you’ll see the democrats begin to lose control of both the Senate and House of Representatives. In 2016 President Trump won enough votes to turn the majority of the united states red, it was predictable.


Judicial Reform

Our ELECTED representative’s DUTY is to protect the rights and privileges of their constituents from all government encroachment. This isn’t happening. “We the people” means that if your elected officials are not doing the job they’re elected to do, YOU have the power to vote them out and elect the official who WILL fight for the people. This is were Kyle Greene comes in.


In District 18A the judiciary has allowed perjury, double jeopardy, prosecutorial misconduct, bribery, etc., to go unpunished when used against citizens who are not part of the “good ol’ boys” network. This is not new. Too many people in district 18A have fallen victim to the abuse and misconduct of the people who work FOR THE PEOPLE.


If you want Government accountability and public servants to be held accountable for their wrong doings, elect Kyle Greene for district 18A.



This content was originally published at