Dear Friends,
I am proud to be a resident of Eagan and honored to serve you at the State Capitol. As your state representative, I am committed to listening to your concerns and working with you so that Eagan’s voice is heard at the State Capitol.
By focusing on our Eagan priorities, I am able to get results that not only strengthen our community, but help move Minnesota forward. Investing in our youngest learners, creating jobs and economic development, and caring for our environment sets the stage for our state’s future success.
As your state representative, I will continue my work at the State Capitol, leading with our community’s values. Thank you for your past support and I ask for your vote again. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at any time.
Laurie Halverson
State Representative, Dist. 51B
Leading with Eagan’s values
Champion education
Growing our educational excellence is my top priority. I successfully authored and passed significant new investments in school readiness to ensure that our youngest learners are ready for success when they enter school. In addition, I’ve been happy to be part of the effort to make college more affordable by advocating for tuition freezes and by making it easier for students to refinance college loans.
Cleaning up campaigns
Big money from outside our community drowns out the voice of the citizens in elections. The kind of “dark money” that floods our mailboxes is exempt from our state campaign disclosure laws. I’m fighting to close this loophole so you know who’s paying to influence your vote.
Strengthening mental health care
The crisis of mental health is a growing concern for Eagan families. I am leading initiatives to improve mental health care in Minnesota, including securing new funding for school-based mental health, supporting efforts to better equip law enforcement to handle mental health issues, and improving primary care support to identify those at risk and intervene early.
Committed to bipartisanship
Gridlock does not serve the people of our community and our state. We have to work together to find solutions to the issues our state faces. That’s why I’m proud to be recognized as a leader who works across party lines. I’ve worked with colleagues from both parties on reforming MNsure, bringing accountability to Metropolitan Council, and the Homeless Youth Act.
Working For You
Legislative leadership-moving Minnesota forward
In the Legislature, I serve as vice chair on the Elections committee, and I’m a member of the Commerce and Consumer Protection and Health and Human Services Finance committees. During my time at the State Capitol I have successfully authored the Homeless Youth Act, and sponsored legislation to reverse devastating cuts to programs for people with disabilities. I’ve co-authored bills to repay the school shift, strengthen our election system and provide kids safe routes to school.
Commitment to cooperation
Eagan voters continually express concern about partisanship getting in the way of responsible governing at the State Capitol. With that in mind, I am committed to working across the aisle for the good of our community and state, and with bipartisan support, I have advanced numerous bills through the legislative process.
Your Priorities
My job is to be your voice at the State Capitol and work on the issues you have told me matter most to Eagan: strong schools, good jobs, and bipartisan, responsible governing. We’ve made progress on these issues in St. Paul, but there is more work to be done. Working together and focusing on middle-class priorities, we can keep our state on firm footing and set the stage for strong and lasting success.
This content was originally published at