Dear neighbor:
I’m Laurie Pryor, and I’m running for re-election in the Minnesota House of Representatives, District 48A, Minnetonka and Eden Prairie.
I love our community. For decades, I’ve proudly contributed to it as a mom and community volunteer. I want to ensure that our community continues to have such a high quality of life.
I grew up in Austin, Minnesota. In the first month of college at Carleton, a guy named Jon knocked on my door to collect money for an all dorm party. Jon and I have now been married 39 years.
We moved to Minnetonka in 1989 because we wanted to raise our three children in a strong community. Our children went to Tanglen and Glen Lake Elementary Schools, West Junior High, and Hopkins High School. I volunteered extensively as a coach and booster for their activities such as Odyssey of the Mind, Destination Imagination, and debate team.
Once my children were grown, I became increasingly involved in the political process as a volunteer, supporting candidates I believed in and knocking on thousands of doors to learn my neighbors’ views on the issues impacting our community. Through those countless conversations, I developed my belief that government can be a force for good—and must also be a careful steward of our hard-earned tax dollars.
I’m proud of the big-tent party I’ve helped build in our area and the warm relationships I have with Independents, Republicans, and Democrats alike.
Jon & I now have six grandchildren. I am their primary caregiver for much of each day, and in their eyes, I see the future of our state. I want them – and everyone in our community – to have the same wonderful quality of life that I’ve had here in Minnetonka.
Especially now that our political climate has become so polarized, I think we need more moms on the case – getting the job done without looking for attention, building consensus, not gridlock, solving problems, not creating them.
Minnetonka and Eden Prairie, please join me in supporting quality education, safe and healthy communities, and a strong economy.
If I can count on your support for my vision, I ask you to volunteer your time, make a contribution to help me get the word out, and then vote for me on November 6th, 2018. Will you join me?
Laurie Pryor
I have gone door to door in every part of our district to meet you and learn your priorities. As well as representing you, I have had the honor to serve on the Veterans Affairs committee, Education Innovation committee, and the Higher Education committee.
Safe and Healthy Communities
We can keep our children and families safe by implementing proven, common-sense policies that have broad public support.
We must keep guns out of the wrong hands as well as keep our children and loved ones safe. In states that have closed the background check loopholes and have enacted “red flag laws” fewer police officers are killed by guns and fewer people are murdered by their domestic partners. There is no reason Minnesota cannot do the same.
We must provide better oversight of care facilities to protect seniors and vulnerable adults.
We must reduce distracted driving by a hands-free cell phone bill.
We must fight the opioid epidemic by requiring pharmaceutical companies to pay their fair share for treatment and prevention.
Strong Schools
Many of us chose to live in this community because of our world-class schools. We can protect that legacy and ensure our children are prepared for the future by…
Making sure that the state never again borrows money from school districts to paper over a budget shortfall,
Expanding access to early childhood education to help close the achievement gap,
Making college more affordable by lowering tuition at public colleges and universities and allowing recent graduates to refinance their student loans.
Innovation and Economic Opportunity
Our region is home to many of Minnesota’s great businesses, both large and small. These businesses are the engines of economic opportunity.
Minnesota’s competitive edge is our brain power. We can help our businesses create and fill the jobs of the future by investing in education, science and research and making sure our young people are prepared to join the 21st century workforce.
We can also help our small businesses thrive by reducing red tape and reviewing the tax code to ensure small businesses are treated fairly.
Modern Transportation Infrastructure
To make sure Minnesota continues to be a great place to live and do business we must also build and maintain a transportation system that reduces congestion and increases transit options.
Projects like the Southwest Light Rail will make it easier for people in our district to get to work and spend less time stuck in traffic.
This content was originally published at