
Let Me Tell You A Little About Myself

Greg Boe/MN State Representative District 47B

Greg Boe

Greg Boe

MN State Representative District 47B

I am very excited to be a Republican candidate for a seat in the Minnesota House. I want to be your voice in St. Paul, representing District 47B.


Let me tell you a little about myself:


I was born in a small South Dakota town, as the middle child of three, and was raised in a strong Republican household. My parents brought us to church every Sunday, and they taught us the importance of hard work and community service. That upbringing helps me today to appreciate the importance of a traditional and intact family, as well as the lessons parents can teach their children.


I have lived in Chaska for the past 20+ years. My wife of 30 years, Debbie, and I have two grown children. Both have graduated from Eastern Carver County Schools and attended the University of Minnesota – Twin Cities.


I serve my community in a variety of ways, including time on the City Council, Planning Commission, and as a volunteer with the Lions Club and local projects. In my spare time I enjoy biking, fishing, hunting, spending time with my family, and serving as a weather observer. I am also a volunteer corporate curling instructor.


I am a Registered Sanitarian, and I hold a Master’s Degree in Public Administration. I am currently employed by Carver County as the Environmental Services Department Manager. Over the years, I have worked with various groups that focus on a variety of topics, including energy, infrastructure, transportation, and water. I’ve also had the opportunity to meet with residents on numerous occasions and address their questions and concerns – an experience which I truly enjoy.


I believe this upcoming election is very important for the Republican Party and eastern Carver County, and I would welcome your support.



Economy – Minnesota has been the home to many corporate headquarters over the years. But unfortunately, we are losing that advantage.  We need to take steps to reestablish a business-friendly environment, thereby encouraging businesses to relocate or expand within our state.


Education – Our youth are our future, plain and simple.  Minnesota schools must prepare the next generation to compete with the world.  We need to make education a priority.


Life – As a father, I must say that nothing is more important to me and my wife Debbie than our children. I know how precious each life is. I will stand for life and fight to protect the unborn.


Smaller Government – We should seek to reduce the size and scope of government, by eliminating duplication of services and excessive regulation.  I have personally instituted changes in local government programs that reduced costs by up to 33%.  Government, like businesses, must always be on the lookout for better ways to do things.


Taxes – Minnesota tax codes are complex and confusing. They are also to high.  In fact, Minnesota was rated fifth highest taxed state overall in the US, according to a recent study by Wallethub.  To put it simply, our taxes must be reduced.


Transportation – A recent study found that 709 bridges in our state are structurally deficient.  Roads like Highways 5 and 212 are in need of improvement and expansion.  I have worked with groups like the Southwest Corridor Transportation Coalition, as they seek improvements for that vital Carver County transport corridor.  The state can also partner with Carver County to keep important local projects on the fast track.  Let’s keep Carver County moving forward!


2nd Amendment Rights – As a gun owner and outdoorsman, I know that the 2nd Amendment is very important here in Minnesota. Over the years I have created many memories hunting with my family. I understand the importance of proper gun safety training. I support responsible gun owners and their right to bear arms. I will fight to protect our second amendment freedoms and gun rights.


This content was originally published at