Families Matter.
I am running for the office of State House Representative from District 31B. It is extremely disheartening to see how the valued and remarkable people around me and in all of Minnesota are being separated by divisive politics and policies. The people of Minnesota, regardless of affiliations, strive for the same things: family living, safety in their community, productive educational opportunities, affordable access to healthcare, and access to viable transportation conduits including maintained roads, traffic management, and more options for mobility of those disabled or unable to drive. I am ready and willing to serve the people of District 31B to find that common ground and consider all aspects of each issue to reach decisions that will benefit the citizens of District 31B. Help me help our community to be a positive and highly desirable location for current and future families.
I come from proud a family that has been involved with public service for as long as I can remember. I want to work for you. We need to create more living wage jobs, improve our pre-K and post secondary educational opportunities, and make transportation in the suburbs and rural areas efficient, safe, and accessible. With nearly two decades of government and public service experience, I know what it takes to find solutions, navigate the complicated governmental agencies, and get things done.
Education is the bedrock of any truly democratic society-with a good understanding of knowledge in science, history, and civics, any young person can develop into an informed citizen, able to make decisions based more on facts than emotion. Learning starts day one but is fostered through supportive parenting and equal access to early education as well as post secondary education opportunities, which provide the important knowledge to begin a life sustaining career. The problem facing most graduates is the increasing debt burden created by the high cost of education and decreasing funding assistance. Larson supports pre-k and post secondary education economic support through a strong working relationship between government programs, the business community, non-profit organizations, and the schools.
Having spent time working on the Highway 65 planning commission I have a special interest in working toward multimodal forms of transportation to help ease congestion and increase transportation independence for those residents living in a suburban and rural communities.
In my years of working with the elderly and the disabled, I want to work with existing agencies and non-profits to increase the affordable housing opportunities for these citizens especially here in our suburban and rural communities.
As a LPN and volunteer for many years in the field of senior and disabled citizens health care, my special interest lies in building on Minnesota’s great leadership in Healthcare. Our state was the first state to have training in hospital management. Through our advanced medical and educational institutions, Minnesota has. been a leader in wellness and community care. It is my goal to continue supporting programs that will provide affordable access to health care for all MN citizens.
Stewardship of our resources and land is vital to sustaining a healthy environment for our children and their children.
This content was originally published at https://www.suelarson31b.com/