For 16 years, I was an employee of the State of Minnesota where I conducted strategic planning across the Departments of Public Safety, Employment and Economic Development, and MnDOT. Like absentee landlords, I saw legislators who didn’t feel obligated to invest in the State of Minnesota’s assets – be it technology, roads, buildings or the 34,000 State agency employees. I am running because I can’t stand by and continue to watch on the sidelines. With my experience, these are some of my priorities as I am running for the Minnesota House.
Invest in Roads and Infrastructure. When it comes to our roads, as City Council member I have learned that MnDOT doesn’t even have sufficient funding to keep the vegetation from growing along the medians of Hastings’ Vermillion Street Corridor. Our Legislature needs to not only address underfunding of roads, it needs to plan for the destabilizing gas-tax revenue stream for funding our roads.
Ensure Affordable Higher Education. Today, one year of tuition and board can cost more than my debt 20 years ago from college and graduate school combined. At the same time, I listen to business owners who are struggling to find skilled employees. I believe we need to find proactive solutions that give our youth opportunities to obtain affordable higher education and mentorship opportunities to develop skills for businesses in need.
Provide Affordable and Quality Medical Coverage. Rather than investing in health care plans that make sense, in 2017 the Legislature gave away hundreds of millions of dollars to private insurance companies with no strings attached. Protecting Medicaid and Medicare, along with helping the individual market, has to be a priority for ensuring the health of our people. Many Minnesotans need medical coverage to survive.
Promote Clean Energy and Slow Down Climate Change. As renewable energy has become cost effective, there is not anyreason why our State should not be a leader in investing in renewable energies and continuing to foster this jobs-rich industry.
Combat Opioid Addiction. Our nation is facing a new leading killer which has come in the form of opioid addiction. I support efforts to hold the opioid pharmaceutical companies financially accountable for the devastation they are having in our communities. We need to do more to educate our people about pain killers, provide support for kicking addiction, and providing resources to local first responders to combat overdosing.
Uphold Local Government Control. During 2017, the relationship between State and local government was fractured when Republican leadership enacted several new laws that took away local decision making authority. The Legislature placed the wants of special interest groups before local needs of their constituents and it has to be stopped.
My Promise
As Minnesotans, I believe we need to focus on our common values rather than what makes us different. Working together, we can find policy solutions that benefit the strength of our communities. I want to fight for a Minnesota that is better for my children to inherit. What makes me different than the representation House District 54B has had the last dozen years is that I will be a representative that will listen and vote to support your needs – not for the demands of special interest.
This content was originally published at