
My Story

Yele-Mis Yang/2018 Candidate for MN State Representative District 42B

Yele-Mis Yang

2018 Candidate for MN State Representative District 42B

I grew up in the St. Paul housing projects, I know what it takes to bring Minnesotans into abundance and prosperity.


Our District 42B communities of Gem Lake, Little Canada, Vadnais Heights and portions of Roseville and Shoreview are filled with hard working families, vibrant small businesses, great schools, and numerous lakes and parks. We have a lot to protect.


Our district deserves strong leadership and I’m excited and ready to work for you to be a strong, conservative, voice for our communities.


I ask for your support and would be honored to serve as your next State Representative.


My Story

With the help of a Catholic Church, my parents fled communist Laos to a place only they saw in their dream, the United States of America. It was a country built on three of the most powerful words in our United States Constitution, “We the People“.


I grew up the second youngest of nine children living in the McDonough Projects in St. Paul, MN. My parents were always hard working folks, overcoming obstacles and language barriers to succeed in the United States, the land of opportunity.


There was one lesson my parents always reminded us children, “it was America that gave us a chance. When you get older, you should give back to the community“. In 2013, I decided to become a youth minister at Immanuel Assembly of God.


When I told my parents that I was going to run for House of Representative for the great State of Minnesota, they said “it is only in this country that there are no limits to one’s success“.


District Issues


No Taxes on Seniors’ Social Security Benefits

Minnesota is one of only six states that fully tax social security benefits. Our state’s message to retirees is “we want you to move away to a more livable state.” Minnesota Seniors deserve better. It is absurd that we do this to our seniors who have worked hard their whole life. Women and men who have contributed their working lives in Minnesota should be able to comfortably retire here, where they have family, friends, and community ties. I support our seniors and I will work to repeal their tax on Social Security benefits.



Minnesota roads are by far some of the most weather worn roads in the country due to snowstorms, plowing, salt, rain and hail. Investment in our community’s roads bridges, and infrastructure must always be a top priority. Raising taxes is not the ONLY way to pay for top quality roads. I on the other hand believe that Minnesota needs work within its budget to reprioritizes funds to pay for our infrastructure without having to raise taxes.


No Gas Tax Increase

Like I mentioned previously, our current representative believes and has proposed gas taxes to pay for transportation. I find it absurd that with a budget surplus and dedicated revenue for highways and roads, that any representative would propose additional taxes that further burden our citizens. I do not believe increased taxes are in our community’s best interests, and hurt our most vulnerable citizens.


Parks and Trails

Our cities and county have invested in our local parks and trails, and I will continue to support these investments. These services enrich our quality of life, bring people together, and make our district a great place to live.



I seek the creation and expansion of local businesses that generate employment in our district. I want to do this by making it easier and more advantageous to start local business in our district. I have spoken with many local business owners who spend 100s of hours being strangled by regulations. I intend to stand with local businesses and cut unnecessary red tape.


Taxes and Spending

Taxes are the people’s money, not the government’s money. In the capitol and all throughout the media, I constantly hear this phrase “the government’s deficit” or “the congress spent it’s money on …” The government would have no money if it was not for us, the people. Therefore, we have to reign in spending and continue to remind our representatives that we are not satisfied with how you are using our money. Spending decisions must benefit our whole community, not the interests or agenda of a few. I believe in responsible government spending – government should not grow faster than family budgets. We need to eliminate wasteful spending and put the financial health of our families first.



This content was originally published at